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Welcome to my BLOG.

In my blog, I focus on the economics and culture of East Asia. I highlight current developments, trends, challenges, and opportunities, with a specific emphasis on countries and markets such as China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam. My platform aims to facilitate deeper knowledge and a better understanding of various cultures.
My posts are tailored for executives, young professionals, students, investors, and anyone with a general interest in the subject

Gummy bears or chocolates? Admittedly, the list of possible small gifts for my interlocutors in Beijing is already a bit longer. But that's not really the point. What's important to me is solely the question: With what can I delight each of my business partners?

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What can you actually do in advance to ensure that negotiations or simply discussions in the business environment in East Asia are successful? The answer is simple: everything you would do here in Germany: prepare yourself. You could also consider the following steps:

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When is a yes a yes or a no a no? Or is it, in the end, just a maybe? What can be clearly and distinctly answered from a Western perspective means, in the East Asian context, that we must be very aware of the context.

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The chinese proverb "⻳兔赛跑," referring to the well-known race between the hare and the tortoise, signifies that perseverance and consistency often lead to success, while arrogance and carelessness can lead to failure.

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What do you spontaneously associate with the colors yellow and blue? Perhaps warmth, good mood, flowers, autumn leaves, or even "aren't warning signs sometimes yellow?". With blue, you might think of water, sea, and sky, calm and relaxation, or even coldness and distance, wisdom, clarity of thought, and stability.

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Tactics in negotiations? What about values - your own and those of your counterpart? Understanding values in negotiations in the East Asian region is very important for several reasons.

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The New Year is celebrated worldwide with joy, without cultural or religious restrictions.

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Imagine entering a room full of corporate representatives from South Korea, China, and Japan—three countries known for their economic strength and cultural depth.

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Imagine that success is "a mountain" and not just a word - welcome to the world of communication with Chinese business partners.

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What it's like to be able to speak to a robot in a library, explain your needs, and then receive assistance through an avatar to borrow magazines or e-books? Well, it's definitely interesting.

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